OLV Mission & Values

Our Lady of Victory is a Catholic Parish School dedicated to living our Victory Values.
We Pray, We Study, We Serve, and We Witness our Faith.
Virtuous living ✚ Intellectual growth ✚ Christ-like behavior ✚ Teamwork
✚ Opportunities for service ✚ Respect for all ✚ Yes to Forgiveness
Victory Values
Intellectual Growth: Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom
Christ-like Behavior: Kindness, Gentleness and Goodness
Teamwork: Patience and Self-Control
Opportunities for Service: Generosity and Charity
Respect for All: Mercy and Justice
Yes to Forgiveness: Faithfulness and Piety
Living Our Victory Values is a school-wide and faith-based curriculum that was designed to create an environment at Our Lady of Victory that promotes and supports our Catholic Faith. This environment is attained by identifying a set of common behavioral expectations that are valued in our school community and apply to all of our students in all school settings---our Victory Values.
Living Our Victory Values is incorporated into each grade level all year long. Our administration collaborates closely with classroom teachers to create hands-on and interactive learning experiences for our students which encourage them to view all situations through the lens of their Catholic faith.
For the past few years, teachers have been invited to nominate a student that they feel best demonstrates the chosen Victory Value for that month. September was "Virtuous Living", October was "Intellectual Growth", etc. We are able to honor almost 40 students every month for living these Victory Values.
About OLV Cougars
Since 1952, Our Lady of Victory School has provided an excellent Catholic education with rigorous academics, to ensure preparation for high school and beyond, for students in this region of the Archdiocese of Detroit.